So, there's 15 minutes left of day 2 and I can't say I've actually written anything. Boo. But that's ok, because there's more to writing a book than just sitting down and writing. You need to have some idea as to what you're writing about.
I actually do have some idea as to what I want to write. I'm really not just throwing myself into this blindly, despite what it may seem like. I've wanted to write a book for years. I have been writing since I could write; I have more ideas and plots and characters in my head than I know what to do with.
So today I've been sort of working on solidifying some of the concepts I have into a concrete story. I haven't yet completely worked through them and written things down (I'm going to start that as soon as I finish this), but actually getting things in order in my head is, for me, a really big deal.
Depending on how this goes, I may make another post later or tomorrow. I have this idea of maybe making posts every so often about the plot and characters I'm creating - maybe profiles or snippets or something - but I'm not sure yet.
I'd like to make this a blog that follows not only my work in writing a book, but in how the book itself comes together.
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